Ana Savić Gecan, born in Zagreb in 1969, studied fashion design at the Faculty of Textile Techniques in Zagreb and has since worked internationally as a costume designer for film, theatre and television. She regularly developed costume designs for film directors Lukas Nola, Dalibor Metanić and Janez Burger. She has already received three Golden Arena Awards as best costume designer at the Pula Film Festival for the films Mittagssonne, Alone and 100 Minutes of Glory. In theatre and opera she works with Robert Waltl, Ivica Buljan, Mateja Koležnik, Krešimir Dolenčić and others. She received the Boršnik Maribor Theatre Festival Award for the best costume design in Yugoslavia my country in 2015.

In addition to numerous theatres throughout Croatia, she has worked in Slovenia, Italy, Portugal, at MaMa in New York and in Germany. In Germany she worked for the first time at the Residenztheater Munich and designed the costumes for Der Schweinestall and Der Balkon.

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