Lara Pilloni, born in Sarzana (Italy), started her dance training at the 4°Movimento school in Sarzana. Parallel to her artistic studies, she studied sport science and sport at the University of Genoa. In 2016, she began her studies at the Folkwang University of the Arts, where she graduated in 2020 and continued with a Master's degree in Dance Interpretation.

Over the years she has participated in productions with Kai Strathmann, Ivan Strelkin, Iñaki Azpillaga and Magdalena Reiter. She performed in a solo from Pina Bausch's opera Vollmond, directed by Silvia Farias Heredia. In March 2023, she made her debut in Italy and Austria with Florian Entenfellner in the piece Survival Kit, choreographed by Evangelos Poulinas.

At the same time she collaborated on interdisciplinary choreographies with Sara Valenti for the Festival ParallelaMente (IT) and Atelier Mobile, worked with musicians Carl Zinsius and Alexander Scott, Ana G. Vincente and Joan Chavez. She has been collaborating with Teatro dei Suoni since 2022 and will be part of their next production in 2024.

Lara also engages in artistic research processes combining photography and dance, which resulted in the projects Stand by and Raise your Anger – an emotion motion.

Past roles: