Lara Kaiser was born in Cologne and grew up in Jena and Karlsruhe. She completed her directing studies at the Ernst Busch Academy of Dramatic Arts Berlin in 2023. As part of her studies, she spent a semester at the Department for Alternative Theatre at DAMU in Prague to pursue her interest in material and object theatre as well as co-creative production processes. Her first work for a young audience was created in the 2022/23 season with Der Verschollene after Kafka at the Junges Nationaltheater Mannheim. This was followed the following year by the performative material research Schaum ich an, with which she was invited to the Schöne Aussicht international theatre festival in Stuttgart. In addition to her work for children and young people, she also develops plays with non-professional players, such as the recent Geldstück at Stellwerk Weimar. At the centre of her artistic practice is the question of how the playful use of materials, objects and space can tell us something about ourselves and our interpersonal and material relationships. She endeavours to create sensory spaces of experience and association for both the performers and the audience, in which the unplanned and surprising are part of the action.

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