Domi­nika Kna­pik, born in 1979 in Kraków, is a cho­re­ogra­pher, dan­cer, actress and director. She trained as an actress in National Academy of Theater Arts in Kraków. In 2007, she won the Dan­ce­Web Europe scho­lar­ship gran­ted by Art Sta­tions Foun­da­tion, fol­lo­wed by an ArtsLink scho­lar­ship in 2009 (Dance New Amster­dam, NY). In 2011, she won the scho­lar­ship from the Polish Mini­stry of Cul­ture and Natio­nal Heri­tage. In 2008, she co-foun­ded the arti­stic col­lec­tive Hara­kiri Far­mers, with which she has com­ple­ted seve­ral inter­di­sci­pli­nary pro­jects. She regu­larly coope­ra­tes with various the­atri­cal insti­tu­tions in Poland and abroad such as MCHAT/Moscow, Schauspielhaus Bochum or University of Michigan wor­king as a cho­re­ogra­pher with directors such as Iga Gań­czar­czyk, Ewe­lina Mar­ci­niak, Maja Kle­czew­ska, Anna Smo­lar, Anna Augu­sty­no­wicz, Paweł Łysak, Jan Klata, Remigiusz Brzyk, Paweł Miśkiewicz, Malcolm Tulip or Olaf Kröck. She also works on inde­pen­dent dance pro­jects, films and per­for­man­ces. In 2017 she got the Russian theatre award Golden Mask for choreography. In the 2018/19 season she worked as a choreographer on the production 2069 – Das Ende der Anderen at Schauspielhaus Bochum.

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