Janina Rajakangas, born 1978 in Turku (Finland), lives in Helsinki and is a choreographer, performer and teacher. Since 2017 she has received grants for her artistic work from the Arts Promotion Centre Finland and the Finnish Cultural Foundation. At the heart of her work is an attempt to understand how dance emerges from what we encounter in everyday life: Love, death, age, sensibilities; the embodiment of these things becomes dance in her projects. She studied at the London Contemporary Dance School in the UK, EDDC Arnhem in the Netherlands and the Theatre Academy in Helsinki to gain a BA in Dance and a MA in Choreography. One of her most recent works is Over Your Fucking Body. She has also been involved as a choreographer in several theatre pieces: Medusa's Room, Kim Lekki Namwaan, Tavallisuuden Aave each directed by Saara Turunen and Leviathan directed by Klaus Kruse.

Past roles: