Maja Beckmann, born 1977 in Herne, hails from a theatre family; three of her four siblings are also actors. Her theatre career began as part of an apprenticeship at the Schauspielhaus Bochum, after which she joined the ensemble there and worked with directors such as David Bösch, Jorinde Dröse, Sebastian Nübling, Jürgen Kruse, and Anne Lenk. Maja Beckmann became an audience favorite in Bochum, where she stayed for over ten years, until she left for the Staatstheater Stuttgart and subsequently moved on to Matthias Lilienthal's Münchner Kammerspiele in 2016. There, she worked with directors such as Stefan Pucher, Amir Reza Koohestani, and Toshiki Okada, as well as frequently with Christopher Rüping, whom she joined to come to Zurich in 2019. In addition to theatre, Maja Beckmann also appears in film and television productions. Her work in the television series Stromberg in the role of Sabine 'Sabbel' Buhrer has made her known to an audience that extends far beyond the theatre. In 2021, Maja Beckmann was named actor of the year by magazine Theater Heute.

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