Trouble with swallowing. And a lump in her throat that just won't go away. Philip, her colleague and all-time "lover in mind", has recommended a colour therapist for her because of this. And Cheryl Glickman, in her early 40s and single, will go there for his sake. Even if it eventually turns out that Philip, who is over 60, loves someone else. And – this someone else is only 16 years old. One day Clee, the just 20-year-old daughter of her bos, moves in with Cheryl. Clee mainly hangs out: she likes TV, crisps and Diet Coke. At first it is said that she will only stay for a few days. But then she spreads into Cheryl's life with relish and violence. She turns upside down what was supposed to be orderly and contained in systems. In both their worlds, everything is suddenly possible: any world. And every role in it.

Together with the actresses Maja Beckmann and Anna Drexler, the singer Brandy Butler and the video artist Anna Marienfeld, Christopher Rüping brings Miranda July's first novel – the mouthpiece of modern city dwellers, their sensitivities and (sexual) neuroses – to the stage. "Every line is a surprise: the way Miranda July writes about men and women is cutting-edge and simply takes your breath away," wrote Der Spiegel about The First Bad Man, which the Guardian newspaper chose – alongside Tolstoy's Anna Karenina – as one of the ten most haunting romance novels.

Based on the book:
The First Bad Man
Copyright 2015, Miranda July
All rights reserved

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  • Duration: 2:15, no break
  • Premiere: 28.05.2023
  • Language: DE EN

Die letzte Vorstellung fand am 16.06.2024 statt.

Trailer: Siegersbusch Film
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Press voices

Christopher Rüping hat mit seinem Team und dem Ensemble wirklich den Ton des Romans getroffen, der zwischen Ironie, viel Witz und Melancholie immer wieder hin- und herwechselt. […] Ein Schauspielfest in fast allen emotionalen Tonlagen.
WDR 5 Scala, Christoph Ohrem

Ein wilder, schöner Abend über Beziehungen, Glück und das Leben.
Ruhr Nachrichten, Tom Thelen

Ein Schauspiel-Fest.
Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitung, Sven Westernströer

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Der Abend wird zur Hommage an das Menschsein in seinem Facettenreichtum – besonders dann, wenn es zu kompliziert wird, um mehr damit zu machen, als es einfach zu zeigen.
trailer-Magazin , Elisa Voss

Es ist eine Freude, Anna Drexler und Maja Beckmann zuzusehen, wie sie lustvoll durch diese turbulente, oft hochnotkomische Lebensnummernrevue toben.
Süddeutsche Zeitung

Durch und durch konstruiert, mit den einfachsten Mitteln und großer Schauspielkunst: Miranda Julys Der erste fiese Typ zeigt, was ein Roman im Theater verloren hat.
