A high school, a clique, a story ready for Hollywood.

It's the first day after the summer vacation. Between the long jump test, listening comprehension and the hope of a very personal enemies-to-lovers plot twist, everyone is excitedly puttering through the school's poorly mopped corridors. In the middle of it all, mismatched twins Sam and Gabriel are looking for their classroom. The two series fanatics have just moved here with their father from California, a small coastal town in Schleswig-Holstein.

As every year, the school management has a lot to announce at the start of the year. A competition is announced to encourage the students' own initiative: 100,000 euros for the best performance of a working group. The twins sense their chance. They have been working on their breakthrough in the film business since they were born, but have always lacked a production budget. They want to win the money with the pilot episode of their own series and quickly set up an AG, which is quickly joined by two like-minded people. But the new members of the group also have spectacular ideas about what a series launch could look like. And the rest of the school is also keeping its eyes on the prize. A Hollywood-style thriller with a furious season finale ensues.

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  • Vier Piloten
  • 👽 13+
  • von Till Wiebel in Zusammenarbeit mit der Drama Control
  • Auftragswerk des Schauspielhaus Bochum
  • Director: Juli Mahid Carly
  • Place:
  • Premiere: 20.12.2024
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