Judas is about a man whose name is synonymous with betrayal; a man who has been universally vilified for centuries. But without this man and without his Judas’ kiss, Christianity would never have become one of the great religions in the world. Every age has speculated about Judas and his motives. After two thousand years it is about time for Judas to have his own say: He stages a last effort to reduce his act to a human level and to take the audience where they rather would not be: to the Judas in themselves. – Steven Scharf was awarded with the Gertrud-Eysoldt-Ring in 2013.
Information about the piece
- Judas
- von Lot Vekemans
- Übersetzung von Eva M. Pieper und Christine Bais
- Director: Johan Simons
- With: Steven Scharf
- Place: Schauspielhaus
- Duration: 1:00, no break
- Premiere: 07.05.2019
- Language: DE
- Director: Johan Simons
- Director: Johan Simons
- Stage design: Bettina Pommer
- Costume design: Henriette Müller
- Music: Maarten Schumacher
- Light design: Wolfgang Göbbel
- Dramaturgy: Julia Lochte
- With: Steven Scharf

(c) Judith Buss

(c) Judith Buss

(c) Judith Buss

(c) Judith Buss

(c) Judith Buss
Press reviews
Steven Scharf gives the apostle a gruff, straightforward diction with which he makes it clear that it was he who took all the blame for the betrayal. Scharf is a Judas of impressive clarity. In the artistic underexposure of the room he is a man of pain as if painted on the Iron Curtain. At the end of the German premiere, there was long applause for an extraordinary piece of acting.
Johan Simons has transformed the lucid text into a strong scenic form without any naturalistic gesture. But above all, he has a great actor. Steven Scharf‘s aura does not blow up the scenic corset, but it towers above it. It is an exciting evening and the evening of a formidable actor, who is rightly showered with applause.
An act of violence, both physically and mentally, for Steven Scharf, who only has to keep the tension through his voice. It is full and space-filling, but without pathos, although it always sounds as if he is about to burst into tears. (...) After the hour-long performance there is intense applause from a deeply moved audience.
Im Schauspielhaus zeigt Steven Scharf in seinem Solo, wie intensiv und packend Theater heute sein kann.
Jürgen Boebers-Süßmann
Scharfs Solo entfaltet eine Suggestionskraft, der man sich nicht entziehen kann.
Jürgen Boebers-Süßmann
Das ist Extrem-Theater, wie man es kaum je sah.
Jürgen Boebers-Süßmann
Großer Applaus für Steven Scharfs beeindruckende Leistung. Johan Simons kann Bochum auch mit solch älteren Perlen seiner psychologisch hochfeinen und bildhaft sprechenden Regiearbeit begeistern.
Helmut Krebs
Schon das Setting ist hochdramatisch. Vor allem aber wirkt dieser Abend durch die charismatische Darstellung von Steven Scharf, der meistens nur zur kalten Metallwand spricht, mit schwerer Zunge, zögernd, manchmal ein Stottern andeutend, zugleich trotzig-laut, und das alles in einer Lage, die den Körper ungemein belastet, manchmal an den Händen hängend, oder eingeklemmt zwischen Leiter und Wand.
Westfälischer Anzeiger
Ralf Stiftel
Großer Beifall für einen intensiven Abend.
Westfälischer Anzeiger
Ralf Stiftel
Lot Vekemans' Text ist Theologie und Anti-Theologie in einem. Steven Scharf spielt, als ginge es um sein ewiges Leben. Und Johan Simons inszeniert wie ein biblischer Prophet.
Andreas Wilink
A production of the Münchner Kammerspiele