Would you die for love?

Love can be so overwhelming that the lover is prepared to die rather than live with unrequited love. The epistolary novel Die Leiden des jungen Werther by Johan Wolfgang Goethe from 1774 tells the tragic story of a young man named Werther and his love for Lotte. Lotte marries someone else, after which Werther's salvation is suicide.

And today? Does love still exert a destructive power over lovers? What language do we have for this feeling? Lies Pauwels (Der Hamiltonkomplex, Baroque) uses the story of Werther to develop an evening about the nature of (contemporary) love, focussing primarily on the perspective of young men. How does love work? What forms can it take? Is it political, is it personal? The director develops sensitive stagings from self-written texts and soundtracks in her own visually powerful theatre language. An evening full of love, passion, longing, intoxication – 1774 / 2024.

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  • Werther (Love & Death)
  • by Lies Pauwels
  • Director: Lies Pauwels
  • Place: Kammerspiele
  • Premiere: 01.11.2024

Castingaufruf: Mädchen zwischen 11 und 16 Jahren gesucht!
Für Werther (Love & Death) suchen wir Mädchen im Alter zwischen 11 und 16 Jahren, die gemeinsam mit Mitgliedern des Ensembles auf der Bühne stehen. Das Casting findet am 29. Juni von 10:00 bis 14:00 im Schauspielhaus Bochum statt >> mehr Infos

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