Ann Göbel, born in Thuringia, acted from 2014 to 2018 in the P14 Jugendtheater der Volksbühne am Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz Berlin under the artistic direction of Vanessa Unzalu Troya. In 2018 she performed at the Volksbühne in Liberté (directed by Albert Serra). She studied theatre studies and art history at Freie Universität Berlin. Since the 2018/2019 season she is a member of the ensemble of Schauspielhaus Bochum.
Current roles:
- Totengräber 2 in Hamlet
Past roles:
- Kind (bis 09.10.22) in Alkestis
- Baroque
- Caterina in Lorenzaccio
- Headroom
- King of France in King Lear
- Performance in Geister
- Saturday, Sunday, Monday
- O, Augenblick
- Die Abwesenheit des Propheten
- Robinson in Me, a Robinson.
- Séance de travail
- White People’s Problems / The Evil Dead

Ann Göbel
© JU Bochum

Ann Göbel, Pierre Bokma (v. li.)
© JU Bochum

Stefan Hunstein, Ann Göbel, Bernd Rademacher, Sandra Hüller (v. li.)
© JU Bochum

Ann Göbel, Margarida Neto, Mercy Dorcas Otieno (v. li.) (c) JU Bochum