The way to a man’s heart is through his stomach. Really? Rosa Priore and Don Peppino have been married for decades. They have three grown-up children and a happy, established marriage – so you would think. But their harmony is disturbed when Rosa starts treating her husband with increasing indifference. She already stopped putting out his shirts in the mornings some time ago and whenever he sets foot in the kitchen, the sparks soon begin to fly. Does anyone ever thank her for all the cooking she does, the ragú she makes so lovingly according to her family recipe: “Actually I practically only make it for the children now, and besides for me a Sunday without ragú isn’t as proper Sunday. But I could even serve my husband warmed-up pasta on Easter.” Peppino suspects that there is another man behind Rosa’s change of mood and has a suitable candidate for his jealousy to hand in Professor Ianniello who regularly comes to dinner and brings Rosa culinary gifts. When Rosa then invites Ianniello and his wife to a traditional family Sunday meal, the entire situation gets out of control…
Saturday, Sunday, Monday is a turbulent comedy written by the famous playwright Eduardo de Filippo (1900 – 1984) in the tradition of modern Neapolitan popular theatre. De Filippo presents an affectionate view of the everyday lives of the petit bourgeoisie, whose characters and conflicts are universal. A film version of the play was made in 1990 with Sophia Loren in the leading role.
An extra special event because for this production of Saturday, Sunday, Monday Zeche Eins will be turned into a restaurant! The audience will be seated at bistro tables, food and drink will be served and the ensemble will share the same space, performing in between the audience. The three course menu by Pasta-Manufaktur Di Vita is included in the ticket price. Both a culinary and cultural delight – buon appetito!
Information about the piece
- Saturday, Sunday, Monday
- Dinner with theatre at the Zeche
- by Eduardo de Filippo
- Director: Johan Simons
- Catering: Pasta-Manufaktur Di Vita
- With: Svetlana Belesova, Dominik Dos-Reis, Ann Göbel, Michael Lippold, Anne Rietmeijer, Lukas von der Lühe
- Premiere: 15.02.2020
- Director: Johan Simons
- Catering: Pasta-Manufaktur Di Vita
- Director: Johan Simons
- Catering: Pasta-Manufaktur Di Vita
- Stage design: Nadja Sofie Eller
- Costume design: Sofia Dorazio Brockhausen, Britta Brodda
- Dramaturgy: Angela Obst

(c) Martin Steffen

(c) Martin Steffen

(c) Martin Steffen

(c) Martin Steffen

(c) Martin Steffen

(c) Martin Steffen

(c) Martin Steffen

(c) Martin Steffen

(c) Martin Steffen

(c) Martin Steffen

(c) Martin Steffen

(c) Martin Steffen
Press reviews
Die vielen Wechsel und Brüche in der Erzählung verleihen dem Abend den unwiderstehlichen Charme einer Improvisationskomödie.
WDR 3, Gerrit Stratmann
Ein wunderbarer Feelgood-Abend mit guten Schauspielern und jeder Menge Herz und Humor.
WAZ, Sven Westernströer
Ein vergnüglicher Abend für 50 Gäste und ein Team, das mindestens ebensoviel Spaß hat wie seine Zuschauer.
Westfälischer Anzeiger, Edda Breski