Angela Obst studied general and comparative literature, political science and history in Berlin, during which time she worked for the theater publisher henschel SCHAUSPIEL. From 2009 to 2019, Angela Obst worked as a dramaturge at the Residenztheater in Munich. There she worked regularly with Frank Castorf, for example in Reise ans Ende der Nacht after Louis-Ferdinand Céline (2013, Theatertreffen 2014) and Brecht's Baal (Theatertreffen 2015), with Martin Kušej, e.g. in Goethe's Faust (NESTROY Prize 2014), with Anne Lenk, Timofej Kuljabin, Andreas Kriegenburg, Robert Gerloff and others, and realized several political discussion series in cooperation with the Süddeutsche Zeitung. In 2017, she worked with Bibiana Beglau on Allen Ginsberg's Howl for the stage. In 2018, Angela Obst was a member of the jury for the Mülheimer Theatertage NRW. From 2015 to 2019, she was a lecturer in the directing course (director: Prof. Sebastian Baumgarten) at the Bavarian Theater Academy August Everding. Since 2019 she has been teaching the directing course at the Folkwang University of the Arts (Director: Prof. Lisa Nielebock). Since 2019, she has been a dramaturge at Schauspielhaus Bochum under the directorship of Johan Simons, with whom she worked on Anton Chekhov's Ivanov and Shakespeare's King Lear, among others. She regularly adapts major plays for the stage, most recently Fyodor Dostoyevsky's The Idiot (Thalia Theater Hamburg) and The Brothers Karamazov (Schauspielhaus Bochum). Further collaborations with Mateja Koležnik (Children of the Sun, Theatertreffen 2023), Christopher Rüping and Robert Borgmann, among others. From 2018 to 2022, Angela Obst also dramaturgically supervised the productions of Jedermann at the Salzburg Festival. Since the 2023/24 season, Angela Obst has been head dramaturge at Schauspielhaus Bochum.

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