In the spring of 2020, in the middle of the first wave, when the actors Gina Haller and Risto Kübar and the writer Katja Brunner met for the film project Bochumer Short Cuts, it quickly became obvious: this is the beginning of a special artistic collaboration. Why not keep on thinking and writing together, observing and bearing witness in the longer term? And so, the idea developed of meeting regularly over several months and working together, at staggered intervals and collectively. The COVID-19 pandemic which has provided the project with food for thought, remains as acute as ever, a turning point in time – is it really one? – whose social, economic, personal and political implications will not be fully understood for some time. In the end we are left with a monumental snapshot of words, (images expressed through) bodies and movements that are testimony to a crisis that has disabled the system from BEFORE and knows little about AFTER apart from the fact that it will come.
“What happens when we are ordered to be alone? How does a shift in parameters of this kind and all its branches write itself into language? And is the comment that is echoing from all sides correct: that crises are magnifying glasses that provide a better view what is at risk?” (Katja Brunner)
“Speaking through the body in times of alienation. I miss couples kissing on park benches. I miss kissing on a park bench. What will happen to our isolated bodies in the long term: how does withdrawal from love express or manifest itself? And affection? It’s about touching, being touched, and wanting to be touched again.” (Gina Haller)
“There is a missed call from a friend / How have I missed it / Before entering to the bedroom to unveil / The bed / I decide to call her back / Her face appears on the screen / Through smiling she announces it’s not me she supposed to call / She asks why I am naked / I say that yes I am naked / I try to adjust something in me through the small window on the right side of a screen / Unfortunately it doesn’t work / Google: ‘üksindus’” (Risto Kübar)
Audio content
Information about the piece
- Jeder Tag ein Vollmond
- a project by Katja Brunner, Gina Haller and Risto Kübar
- Text: Katja Brunner
- With: Gina Haller, Risto Kübar
- Duration: 45 Min., no break
- Premiere: 13.11.2021
Video content
(c) Siegersbusch Film
- Text: Katja Brunner
- Text: Katja Brunner
- Stage Design, Costume Design: Lan Anh Pham
- Choreography cooperation: Kiri Haardt
- Composition: Magda Drozd, Diego Noguera
- Light Design: Wolfgang Macher
- Dramaturgy: Angela Obst
- With: Gina Haller, Risto Kübar

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