Mercy Dorcas Otieno, born 1987 in Nairobi (Kenya), studied acting at the Max Reinhardt Seminar in Vienna from 2013 to 2017. Before that she studied sociology at the Karl-Franzens-Universität in Graz and worked as an au-pair in Germany and Austria from 2006 on. Her first permanent engagement took her to the Schauspielhaus Graz under Iris Laufenberg in the 2017/2018 season. She has worked with directors such as Volker Hesse, Lily Sykes, Dominic Friedel and Nina Gühlstorff. Since the 2018/2019 season she is a member of the ensemble of Schauspielhaus Bochum.
Current roles:
- Gertrud in Hamlet
Past roles:
- Der Bus nach Dachau
- Baroque
- Der Dovre-Alte / Anitra in Peer Gynt
- Farida Mtamakosi , Text , Director , Stage design in Who the F*** are you
- Wo steht dein Maulbeerbaum?
- Tebaldea in Lorenzaccio
- Die Hoffnung in Hoffen und Sehnen / Umut ve Özlem / Nadzieja i tęsknota
- With in Die Befristeten
- Episode 1 in Aus der Rolle fallen
- Die unglaubliche Geschichte vom kleinen Roboterjungen
- Audrey / Marie-Françoise in Plattform / Unterwerfung
- O, Augenblick
- Wie es euch Algorithmus.
- Robinson in Me, a Robinson.
- Alle Jahre wieder
- Audrey in Plattform
- Marie-Françoise in Unterwerfung

Baroque Mercy Dorcas Otieno
© Fred Debrock

Peer Gynt: Mercy Dorcas Otieno, Anna Drexler (from left)
© Matthias Horn

Mercy Dorcas Otieno
© Birgit Hupfeld

Mercy Dorcas Otieno
© Birgit Hupfeld

Mercy Dorcas Otieno
© JU Bochum