
"Once you have left your own country, you never arrive in a new one. Then only some special people become your country." This is how the writer Emine Sevgi Özdamar once described the emotional situation of emigrants in Europe. People leave their homeland because they hope for a better life elsewhere. But once there, they are far from having arrived: in search of recognition, opportunities, a piece of new identity. They are people who have cut their roots without growing strong new ones. The play Wo steht dein Maulbeerbaum? (Where is your mulberry tree? – About leaving and not yet arriving) by the young theatre-maker Tamó Gvenetadze tells of the perhaps utopian ideas of the emigrants that drive these people to Europe – and how they are destroyed here. Whether it is the hope of the Georgian rock band Soft Eject, which sought a new musical home in Berlin and Bochum in the 1990s, or the experiences of young people who come here today as war refugees or au pairs. "It's warm in Europe." "In Europe I will be fine." "In Europe I can become anything." "In Europe, dreams come true." It is possible to see your own dreams come true in Europe. But the question is: what is the price? The price is very high. An performance about the experiences of immigrants in Europe – honest, personal, full of anger and longing.

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Information about the piece

  • Duration: 1:15h, no break
  • Premiere: 07.01.2023
  • Language: German

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Trailer: Gralke Media



Press reviews

Press voices

Der „Maulbeerbaum“ ist ein Abend der leisen, nachdenklichen Töne.
Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitung, Sven Westernströer

Was nie so leicht kaputt geht ist das, was Gvenetadze unheimlich feinfühlig in ihrem Stück thematisiert und was jedem Menschen Stärke gibt: Freundschaft und Liebe.
junge bühne, Martina Jacobi

Nach erfolglosen Versuchen, einen Maulbeerbaumschößling in den Beton des Bühnenraums zu pfanzen, wird Risto Kübar mit halbtransparenter Plastikfolie in einen abgegrenzten Bereich eingeschlossen. «Lass mich doch hier zu Hause sein», ist der Wunsch. Integration fndet nicht statt, nur Ausgrenzung. Die dennoch nicht resignative Schlussfolgerung wird auf die Folie gesprüht: «Exil ist harte Arbeit.» Für diese Bochumer Inszenierung hat sie sich gelohnt.
Theater heute, Gerhard Preußer

