Voxi Bärenklau, born in 1960, has worked since 1987 as a cinematographer in cinema and TV production for directors such as Helge Schneider, Christoph Schlingensief and Adolf Winkelmann, among others, and since 2002 also as a lighting and video designer for theatre and opera productions. He himself describes his artistic work for Schlingensief's Parsifal at the Bayreuth Festival Theatre as his most important work to date. In 1999 he worked as a gaffer with Michael and Florian Ballhaus for Scorsese's Gangs of New York. Since 2016 he has worked regularly with Kay Voges, the artistic director of Schauspiel Dortmund, including on Die Borderline Prozession, which was invited to the Theatertreffen in 2017, for the operas Der Freischütz and Aida at the Staatsoper Hannover, on Die Stadt der Blinden at Schauspielhaus Hamburg and on Don't be evil at Volksbühne Berlin as well as PLAY: Möwe | Abriss einer Reise at Schauspiel Dortmund.

For the short film Fetisch, produced together with Richard Lehun, he received the German Short Film Award in Gold in 2002. Voxi Bärenklau also worked as a contemporary witness and cameraman on the documentary Wunder der Wirklichkeit by Thomas Frickel, which won the Hessian Film Award in October 2017.

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