For all softies and those who want to become one.
It's the first day after the summer holidays. Between the long jump test, listening comprehension and the hope of a very personal enemies-to-lovers plot twist, everyone is excitedly puttering through the badly mopped corridors of the school. In the middle of it all, mismatched twins Sam and Gabriel are looking for their classroom. The two series fanatics have just moved here from California, a small coastal town in Schleswig-Holstein. Unexpectedly, the school management announces a competition: 100,000 euros for the best performance by a working group. They want to win the money with the pilot episode of their own series and set up a working group without further ado, which is quickly joined by two like-minded people. But the newcomers to the group also have spectacular ideas about what a series launch could look like.
In Juli Mahid Carly's dynamic production, the protagonists slip nimbly into countless roles and take the audience with them into the complex cosmos of school. Vier Piloten tells the mostly humorous story of four young people who face individual challenges such as finding their identity, images of masculinity, love, betrayal and reconciliation and find a place of safety in their friendship.
Audio content
Information about the piece
- Vier Piloten
- 👽 13+
- von Till Wiebel in Zusammenarbeit mit der Drama Control
- Auftragswerk des Schauspielhaus Bochum
- Director: Juli Mahid Carly
- With: Dominik Dos-Reis, Marcel Jacqueline Gisdol, Victor IJdens, Alexander Wertmann
- Place:
- Premiere: 20.12.2024
- Director: Juli Mahid Carly
- Director: Juli Mahid Carly
- Stage design: Nathalie Schatz
- Costume design: Kevin* Pieterse
- Video: Ann-Katrin Pauly
- Light design: Hannes Koch
- Dramaturgy: Kat Heß
- Outside Eye: Drama Control
- Assistant director: Lynn Dokoohaki
- Assistant stage design: Carolin Vogl
- Assistant costume design: Sina Gröner
- Trainee director: Jamie Schulze
- Trainee costume design: Wian Alo, Noa Trölenberg
- Prompter: Sybille Hadulla-Kleinschmidt
- Gabriel, Korbinians Mutter, 8-Fuß: Dominik Dos-Reis
- Sam, Coach Alpha: Marcel Jacqueline Gisdol
- Skip, Therapeut, Konstantin, Slider: Victor IJdens
- Korbinian, Melanie, Beisser: Alexander Wertmann
Press reviews
„(...) Was dann passiert, ist eine der lustigsten und kurzweiligsten Aufführungen, die das Schauspielhaus Bochum seit einer Weile herausgebracht hat.“
Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitung , Sven Westernströer
„Die Inszenierung von Juli Mahid Carly switcht genussvoll zwischen komischen Momenten und bitteren.
Ein Schlagabtausch von lustvoll ausgespieltem Slapstick und berührenden Erzählungen.“
nachtkritik.de, Sarah Heppekausen
Funded by the RAG-Stiftung and the Brost-Stiftung
With the kind support of the Freundeskreis Schauspielhaus Bochum e.V.