Guy Clemens
(c) Julia Sellmann

Guy Clemens was born 1981 in Gouda (Netherlands). He studied acting at the Theatre Academy of Amsterdam from 2002 to 2006. Subsequently, his engagements led him to Zuidelijk Toneel and Het Toneel Speelt, among others. For his role in Cloaca (production Hummelinck Stuurman) he was nominated for an Arlecchino for best male supporting role in 2013 and for Kunsthart (production Mugmetdegoudentand) in 2015 for a Louis d'Or as best actor. Several productions in which he played were invited to the Dutch Theatertreffen (Kunsthart 2015, Een sort hades 2016). In addition to his theatrical work, he has appeared in several Dutch films and television series, including Levenslied, Toren C, 't Schaep Ahoy, Land van Lubbers, De Maatschap, De Zaak Menten (nominated for Gouden Kalf for best male lead) and Weg van jou, Doris. Since the 2018/2019 season he has been a member of the ensemble of Schauspielhaus Bochum. In the 2021/2022 season, Guy Clemens made his directorial debut here with his production of Der Kissenmann.

Current roles:

Past roles:

Guy Clemens
​​(c) Julia Sellmann

Kinder der Sonne: Guy Clemens
© Matthias Horn

Der große Gatsby: Guy Clemens
© Armin Smailovic

Guy Clemens
​© Marcel Urlaub

Guy Clemens, Elsie de Brauw
© Isabel Machado Rios

Jele Brückner, Guy Clemens (c) Jörg Brüggemann / Ostkreuz