Nothing is as it seems – when you are 13! Children turn into Lolitas, dancers into divas, girls into unhappy wives or fearless provocateurs. Thirteen 13-year-old performers are torn between expectations and their search for identity. Right in the middle of it: bodybuilder Stefan Gota, who tries to control this uncontrollable crowd. Who are these girls who are so conscious of their actions? Belgian director Lies Pauwels, together with her fearless accomplices, succeeds in creating a strong soundtrack and a look at current social debates in an evening that captures the special moment between childhood and adulthood and that is touching, leaves you speechless and happy.
Why 13 year old girls?
Lies Pauwels: The theme of the play is a world in transition and the girls are a metaphor for that. They are at a moment where they loose some of their instinctive awareness, and get to understand the world with its conventions, codes and claims – and want to be accepted in it. The teenagers mould a new identity, same as the world, which is looking for a (new) identity right now. There is a lot to gain but a lot to loose as well and darkness is on both sides.
Music plays a big role in your plays. why?
Lies Pauwels: Music brings emotion, energy, creativity and refinement to my work. It stimulates me and is a companion. During rehearsals music is like another director, communicating directly with the performers. On stage, it lets another context shine through, enhances or serves as a counterpoint. It becomes the cover of our work and underneath we can be vulnerable.
Would you like to be 13 again?
Why not. But, well, rather not …(laughs)
Information about the piece
- Der Hamiltonkomplex
- Concept, Text, Director: Lies Pauwels
- With: Letizia Altmann, Robine Goedheid, Stefan Gota, Daria Anna Halander, Ema Hamulic, Emily Lück, Louisa Marti y Schiebel, Rhama Meinert, Rojna Lavina Parlak, Arina Ponomarenko, Gresa Qalaj, Elise Spohr, Aleyna Su Çoban, Gizem Özdemir
- Duration: 1:45h, no break
- Premiere: 02.11.2018
- Language: German with English surtitles
Video content
(c) The Laboratory of Manuel Bürger
- Concept, Text, Director: Lies Pauwels
- Concept, Text, Director: Lies Pauwels
- Stage design: Chloe Lamford
- Costume design: Johanna Trudzinski
- Movement: Lisi Estarás
- Sound design: Zoran Vyncke
- Dramaturgy: Cathrin Rose, Dorothea Neweling

Press reviews
„Die Bilder, die entstehen, sind verletzlich und schön. Verstörend mitunter auch.“
FAZ, Simon Strauß
„Selten habe ich einen so berührenden, beklemmenden, verstörenden, geheimnisvollen, heiter gelösten, furchtlosen Theaterabend gesehen.“
kultur.west, Andreas Wilink
„Etwas wie ‚Der Hamiltonkomplex’, das die belgische Regisseurin Lies Pauwels 2015 für Hetpaleis in Antwerpen entwickelte, ist schwer vorstellbar, so lange man es noch nicht gesehen hat. 13 Mädchen, alle 13 Jahre alt, schlüpfen in verschiedene Rollen, meistens allein, manchmal mit dem Bodybuilder Stefan Gota als Gegenüber. Aber wenn man die Performance erlebt, kann man nicht anders sein als hingerissen.“
Westfälischer Anzeiger, Ralf Stiftel
„Der Überschwang dieses so fröhlichen und tief ernsten Abends ist mitreißend.“
Westfälischer Anzeiger
Ralf Stiftel