An evening that crosses times and genres, full of vitality and touch.
What do Mozart's Requiem and the Madeleine, the famous pastry from Marcel Proust's monumental work In Search of Lost Time, have in common? Nothing? It depends.
Where some see incompatibilities and rifts, the Belgian countertenor and director Benjamin Abel Meirhaeghe recognises fruitful connections. He is one of the artistic directors of the Antwerp Toneelhuis and stages sensational evenings that shimmer between revue and concert, dance and iconoclasm. With him, the theatre always becomes an echo chamber in which something new emerges from tradition and innovation, past and future.
In Give up die alten Geister, pianists, dancers and actors from different generations come together to create an evening that revolves around memory. The centrepiece is Mozart's unfinished Requiem, which revolves around death and is the subject of countless myths. How is something remembered, learnt, passed on? Proust's childhood memories were evoked by the smell and taste of madeleines. So what role do our senses play? How important is the past for us - or should we let the old ghosts go so that the future can finally begin?
Information about the piece
- Give up die alten Geister
- von Benjamin Abel Meirhaeghe
- Director, Costume design: Benjamin Abel Meirhaeghe
- With: Maya Dhondt, Katrijn Friant, Marius Huth, Fumiyo Ikeda, Risto Kübar, Jing Xiang
- Place: Kammerspiele
- Duration: approx. 1:40h, no break
- Premiere: 13.12.2024
- Language: DE/EN EN/DE
Information about the performances
Note: Stroboscopic lighting effects are used and there is a longer sound sequence in which animals can be heard during their slaughter.
+ 18:30: Players enable an interactive tour through the magical world of the stage
+ 18:30: Players enable an interactive tour through the magical world of the stage
+ 19:00: Players enable an interactive tour through the magical world of the stage
Video content
- Director, Costume design: Benjamin Abel Meirhaeghe
- Director, Costume design: Benjamin Abel Meirhaeghe
- Stage design: Jozef Wouters
- Collaboration costume: Una Güth
- Light design: Nicolaas de Rooij, Ruben de Snoo
- Choreography: Fumiyo Ikeda
- Dramaturgy: Leonie Ute Maria Adam
- Assistant director: Leonie Mevissen
- Assistant stage design: Anita Ackva
- Assistant costume design: Lilith Kürten
- Trainee director: Nicolaus Crayen
- Trainee costume design: Tamara Friedrich
- Stage manager: Jonas Kissel
- Prompter: Dr. Arian Schill
- Supertitle manager: Faezeh Mojahedtalab, Gianluca Elbert
- With: Marius Huth, Risto Kübar, Jing Xiang
- Dancer: Fumiyo Ikeda
- Piano: Maya Dhondt, Katrijn Friant

© Tobias Kruse / Ostkreuz

© Tobias Kruse / Ostkreuz

© Tobias Kruse / Ostkreuz

© Tobias Kruse / Ostkreuz

© Tobias Kruse / Ostkreuz

© Tobias Kruse / Ostkreuz

© Tobias Kruse / Ostkreuz

© Tobias Kruse / Ostkreuz

© Tobias Kruse / Ostkreuz

© Tobias Kruse / Ostkreuz

© Tobias Kruse / Ostkreuz

© Tobias Kruse / Ostkreuz

© Tobias Kruse / Ostkreuz

© Tobias Kruse / Ostkreuz

© Tobias Kruse / Ostkreuz

© Tobias Kruse / Ostkreuz

© Tobias Kruse / Ostkreuz

© Tobias Kruse / Ostkreuz

© Tobias Kruse / Ostkreuz

© Tobias Kruse / Ostkreuz
Press reviews
Scheinbar provisorisch, sogar chaotisch gebaut, trifft die Produktion am Schauspielhaus Bochum ins Herz.
Die deutsche Bühne, Andreas Falentin
Gemeinsam beschwören der belgische Theatermacher Benjamin Abel Meirhaeghe, das Bochumer Ensemble, zwei Musikerinnen und eine Tänzerin […] die so wundervolle wie rätselhafte Magie des Theaters. Allzu ernst sollte man die theatrale Séance ‚Give up die alten Geister‘ nicht nehmen. Das Ensemble aber strahlt eine beinahe kindliche Lust am Fabulieren und Spielen aus und regt so das Publikum zum hemmungslosen Fantasieren an.
kultur.west, Sascha Westphal
"Give up die alten Geister" macht sensibel für Praktiken und Einsichten, die eine andere Energie einsetzen als es Wettbewerb und Kampf fordern. Viel Applaus für diese schrittweise Sinnesschulung, die ohne missionarischen Eifer auskommt.
Westfälischer Anzeiger, Achim Lettmann
Da ist viel unfertig, gehen manchmal auch mal Sachen daneben. Aber für mich war der Abend eine Oase der Freundlichkeit in dieser so furchtbar-kriegerischen und fiesen Zeit, in der wir leben.
Stefan Keim
Coproduktion with Toneelhuis Antwerpen