In the beginning there was Zoom. And Zoom was home. And home was Zoom. And everything was daft somehow. And everything was so boring. So Drama Control from the Theaterrevier and the Junge Bühne Bochum met on Zoom and started to throw some ideas around. They talked: about life, about the theatre. About what makes life good, what people get annoyed about, and how you can change things. This went on for around six months. And then? It finally started! From 10,000 ideas came a play. About buttonholes that are too small, homework that is never finished. About scratchy pullovers and parents who always have to decide everything.
The play is called: Nervt! And it’s loud. And quiet. Five actors celebrate humanity. And the theatre. They celebrate emotions, both the good ones and the bad ones. And they celebrate the sense of community that we have missed so much. They open their eyes and demand the truth 24 times a second. They open their arms and promise an uprising! They swing a sledgehammer and proclaim it is the most beautiful sound in the world. Yes, it’s true. It is annoying. But: five superheroes set off in search of a good solution! Let’s go!
Information about the piece
- For persons aged 8 and over
- by Junge Bühne Bochum, the ensemble and the Drama Control
- Director: Thorsten Bihegue
- With: Mourad Baaiz, Lea Kallmeier, Manuel Loos, Maria Trautmann, Lukas von der Lühe
- Duration: approx. 1:00h, no break
- Premiere: 12.09.2021
- Language: German
Video content
(c) Siegersbusch Film
- Director: Thorsten Bihegue
- Director: Thorsten Bihegue
- Stage design: Michael Habelitz
- Costume design: Esther van de Pas
- Music: Manuel Loos, Maria Trautmann
- Choreography: Lea Kallmeier

Manuel Loos, Mourad Baaiz
(c) Birgit Hupfeld

Lea Kallmeier
(c) Birgit Hupfeld

Maria Trautmann (vorne), Mourad Baaiz, Lukas von der Lühe (hinten)
(c) Birgit Hupfeld

Manual Loos, Maria Trautmann, Lea Kallmeier, Mourad Baaiz, Lukas von der Lühe (v. li.)
(c) Birgit Hupfeld

Lea Kallmeier, Mourad Baaiz, Manual Loos, Maria Trautmann, Lukas von der Lühe (v. li.)
(c) Birgit Hupfeld

Maria Trautmann
(c) Birgit Hupfeld

Manual Loos, Maria Trautmann, Mourad Baaiz, Lukas von der Lühe, Lea Kallmeier (v. li.)
(c) Birgit Hupfeld

Mourad Baaiz, Lukas von der Lühe (v. li.)
(c) Birgit Hupfeld

Lea Kallmeier, Lukas von der Lühe
(c) Birgit Hupfeld

Maria Trautmann
(c) Birgit Hupfeld

Lea Kallmeier, Mourad Baaiz, Manuel Loos, Maria Trautmann, Lukas von der Lühe (v. li.)
(c) Birgit Hupfeld

Lea Kallmeier, Mourad Baaiz, Manuel Loos, Maria Trautmann, Lukas von der Lühe (v. li.)
(c) Birgit Hupfeld

Lukas von der Lühe
(c) Birgit Hupfeld

Lea Kallmeier
(c) Birgit Hupfeld

Lukas von der Lühe, Manuel Loos (v. li.)
(c) Birgit Hupfeld

Manuel Loos, Lukas von der Lühe, Lea Kallmeier, Maria Trautmann (v. li.)
(c) Birgit Hupfeld

Lea Kallmeier, Lukas von der Lühe, Manuel Loos, Maria Trautmann (v. li.)
(c) Birgit Hupfeld

Manuel Loos, Mourad Baaiz (v. li.)
(c) Birgit Hupfeld

Mourad Baaiz, Maria Trautmann, Lukas von der Lühe (v. li.)
(c) Birgit Hupfeld

Manuel Loos
(c) Birgit Hupfeld
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